Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Best Friend's Wedding

On Saturday, July 14th 2012, my best friend married the man of her dreams—her best friend, her lover, the future father of her children, the person who will ALWAYS be able to reach whatever she needs on the top shelf (he’s 6’ 7”), the one person she will always be able to count on in good times and in bad.  I had the honor of being able to be a part of her special day as a bridesmaid and I am so thankful for it J

Many, if not most, people reading this know what Tiffany and I went through.  If you didn’t know either of us at the time, I talked about it in my very first post if you need a background summary.  Those six and a half months were the worst months of my life.  I felt like a shell of the person I used to be, unhappy and angry.  The turning point for both us had, actually, nothing to do with me.  Tiffany met Shane J Meeting him was the major turning point for her.  She realized that this is the type of guy she needed to be with…or exactly the guy she needed to be with.  She broke up with Chris, which set in motion a gradual road to recovery for our friendship and our very long overdue confrontation with Chris for both of us.  Without Shane, she and I would both still be miserable.  Maybe we would have gotten to where we are today, but I don’t know that for sure.   Shane was our saving grace.

Shane, she is yours now.  Yes, she still belongs to her friends and family, but most of all, she is yours.  Take care of her.  Love her even when she irrationally freaks out (I love you, Tiff).  Be prepared to get back to Texas the SECOND you are done with school.  Y’all are NOT having any Tennessee babies.

I wish y’all nothing but joy and happiness.  Thank you so much for letting me a part of y’all’s special day. I love you both J

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