Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Things I was "never" going to do

For some reason, I've been sitting here thinking about all the big milestones, events, and activities in my life that I said I would "never" do. You know, those clubs you'd never join, colleges you'd never attend, the things hell would have to freeze over for you to do. For example, I am deathly afraid of needles and never ever thought I'd get a tattoo, but I decided to face my fear and get one. I love music and I love hearts, so I got a treble clef and a bass clef in the shape of a heart. Not life-changing like my other "nevers" but still a biggie.

I was never going to be in Academic Decathlon...

Too many horror stories of the long hours and crazy workload. Whoops, lol. I was in Octathlon my sophomore year and AcDec junior and senior year. It helped prepare me for college and develop my study habits (or procrastination habits...).

I was never going to go to a private religious school for college...

Going to Baylor was an amazing experience. I met some of my best friends there, studied under great professors, and loved every minute of it. I am a Baylor Bear and proud to say so :)

I was never going to join a sorority...

Like, omg, I could never join something like that. One day though, I turned into pod-Lizzy and went to a Kappa Delta open house my sophomore year and never looked back. Best decision ever. I love my sorority and being a member of that specific chapter (in addition to being on council) taught me valuable lessons that I'll always take with me. If people ever ask if I "was" in a sorority, I'll say smile and say, "No, I am a Kappa Delta."

I was never ever in a million freaking years going to Texas A&M for any degree.

HOLY CRAP, HELL FROZE OVER Y'ALL...yes, I'm still a Baylor Bear, but I'm a weird, rare hybrid Bear-Aggie. Going to TAMU made fiscal sense for my Masters. In state tuition and all tha fun stuff. Since being here, I've made fantastic friends in my department because, let's get real, anthro people reall are the best kinds of people. Oh, and I met my boyfriend, but that wasn't that important or anything...

If I had gone to NC State, or UNC-W, or USF, or Columbia, I never would have met Andrew. I love him with all my heart and couldn't imagine not having him in my life. So, while I am begrundgingly an Aggie, I wouldn't change it for anything.

I guess what I'm trying to say is don't put so much weight on the word "never." I take it and use it more for emphasis rather than literal meaning. At one point, I never thought any of these previous things would have happened, let alone completely shape me into the person I am today. Look back and see what things you've said you'd never do. I wonder how many of those might change and end up changing you..

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